Just because you happen to be retired doesn’t mean that you have to stop making money. You can do things at any age to get some income flowing. There are a few very simple things that you can start doing right now to supplement your income and that’s always a good idea. Entrepreneur has recently released an entire list of things that seniors can do to make money. What you do depends on your interests and your health, so make sure that you’re up for any decision that you make. Here are some of the best options to look at.
Tour Guide
As Entrepreneur puts it: “If you already have an area of interest or expertise, that’s a good place to start. You can apply to various places for tour guide work, such as local museums and historical monuments. You can also research private tour companies in your city. It’s work that combines a social aspect — you need to be a bit of a performer — and intellectual and physical aspects as well. You’re teaching people and have to trek around for the job. The median rate for a tour guide is $12.42 an hour, not including tips.”
Share your Property
Retirees tend to travel a lot and you can use that to make money. There’s no reason to not rent out your property whenever you’re not using it. There are many different apps that you can use to make that happen. Simply list your space and the times when it will be available. You’ll be able to use it to make money when you’re not home and that’s the best use that you’ll be able to get out of it. The best part is that you won’t have to be on-call like a landlord this way.
Market Tester
If you’re retired and looking for ways to make easy money in front of your computer, participating in focus groups and surveys may be a good option. Companies will pay you for your opinion and feedback, although the requirements and pay for the work really varies. Focus groups can pay up to a few hundred dollars for a few hours of your time, while surveys tend to take up less time and pay less. All you need is a computer and you’ll be able to sign up to test any products that interest you in your spare time.
Temporary Work
Finally, there are always companies looking for temporary workers. You can sign up with a temp service to be sent wherever you’re needed. You get to work a full day and then move on to a completely different company. It’s a great way to explore your local area through the companies that make it run. The money you make will vary but the national average is about $28 an hour, so you’ll be happy with your paycheck. There are plenty of companies all around you right now looking for help from someone just like you and all it takes is a few hours a week!