There are some very good habits that every person should have if they want to age well into their golden years. They’re really not that difficult to do, either. Missouri University has recently released an article on the best habits Read more…
There are lots and lots of people ready to give you advice on how to age well. The problem with most of it is that there’s no real scientific basis for what they’re saying. Most people are simply repeating the Read more…
Just because you happen to be retired doesn’t mean that you have to stop making money. You can do things at any age to get some income flowing. There are a few very simple things that you can start doing Read more…
There’s no way to overestimate how important the food you eat becomes as you age. Once you become a senior, you’ll need to consume fewer calories, but more nutrients. That means that you have to be very mindful of what Read more…
Elder abuse is never going to go away. It’s something that’s been a part of our existence for far too long and the best way to combat it is to know how to identify it. If you know a victim Read more…
Just because you’re over a certain age doesn’t mean that you have to stop making new year’s resolutions. You can make promises to yourself that you can actually follow through with, as long as you set your mind to making Read more…
It might not be something that most people think about, but substance abuse among seniors is a problem among United States adults. The National Institute on Drug Abuse has released an article on the subject that highlights the problem across Read more…
I’d like to wish everyone out there a very happy holiday season! Thanks to those who have visited our site. I temporarily suspended the ability to comment but will have that feature back up in the new year. We are Read more…
Everyone needs a good hobby and there’s no exception to that rule. We need something to keep up focused and engaged in something outside of work. While your job may take lots of brain power and energy, it’s most likely Read more…