It doesn’t matter if you’re in your 20s, 30s, or your 90s. Aging well is something that you have to start working on as early in your life as you possibly can. Just because you decide to do it doesn’t Read more…

Few things in the world are as difficult or daunting as the prospect of making new friends as an adult. You’re past your prime friend-making age and everything can seem forced when you try to find someone to spend your Read more…

Here is a little insight into our dear friend’s story… Robert Gregory Ellett, “Buster” (69), passed away on Sunday August 16, 2020 in his home in Colorado Springs, CO with his wife, Rue, and their two dogs (Ms. Nellie & Read more…

Hi, everyone. This will be my first post. My name is Leroy and I own oowt100,com. My passion for this first topic comes from a dear friend who is going to succumb to cancer in the coming months. He was Read more…